Online Facilitation Lab | Training For Change


Online Facilitation Lab

Online training and facilitation skills for social justice movement builders

Building powerful online spaces

Our movement organizations meet, make decisions, and build skills online more than ever. Since 2017, the Online Facilitation Lab has adapted TFC’s experiential pedagogy to support online movement spaces to be more creative, inclusive, and powerful. We believe strong online facilitation deepens collaboration, engagement, and learning, by remixing in-person tools and techniques and by utilizing the advantages of virtual platforms. This program follows the learning curve of social justice organizations leading groups online through workshops, tools, and direct movement support.

Image: @drawing_change


We offer six, unique public workshops throughout the year. Find upcoming workshops and join our newsletter for workshop announcements. Workshops are sliding scale or free, and are offered in English. Spanish language versions of these workshops are offered through Talleristas por la Justicia.

All public workshop graduates are eligible for post-workshop coaching sessions for support applying new skills and tools back home.

Intro to Training Online (2 hrs)

Learn tools and techniques for leading interactive and engaging webinars, regardless of your technology or budget. Learn more


Intro to Facilitating Online Meetings (2 hrs)

Explore and demonstrate strategies for facilitating inclusive and engaging virtual meetings. Learn more


Designing Dynamic Spaces Online (2 hrs)

Build on tools from Facilitating Online Meetings, and dig deeper into proactive strategies that support inclusive, creative, powerful virtual connections. Learn more


When Things Go Wrong Online (2 hrs)

Learn to navigate “when things go wrong” online, including tech and group dynamic challenges, increasing access for inter-generational groups and groups with varying experience with technology. Learn more


Low Bandwidth Strategies (2 hrs)

Learn strategies and experiential tools for facilitating equitable online trainings and meetings – even when participants have low connectivity or no access to a computer. Participants join via Zoom or by phone and WhatsApp. Learn more


Large Online Trainings with Impact (2 hrs)

In this free, mass training you’ll learn how to assess whether a large training or webinar fits your goals, and if so, how to maximize its impact, regardless of which platforms you use. ​Learn more


Hybrid Facilitation Clinic (2 hrs)

A special opportunity to share strategies around ‘hybrid’ spaces for training, facilitation, and movement building. Learn more


Online Facilitation Tool Library

Browse our tool library for a growing collection of online slide templates, tool adaptations, articles, videos, and more. Most tools are available in English and Spanish.


Bring TFC’s Online Facilitation Lab to your organization through in-house training, custom workshops, and coaching. If you’re interested in working with us, please visit our partnerships page. Latin America based organizations can contact Talleristas por la Justicia for custom workshops and coaching.

Private Workshops

We offer our standard 2-hour Online Facilitation Lab workshops internally for organizations and networks. We can lead stand-alone workshops or design custom series for your group, members, or team.

Custom Workshops

Our trainers can custom design curriculum around your online facilitation needs. We’ve expanded our standard workshops, facilitated skill-shares, and co-facilitated online convenings with movement partners.


Hourly individual and small group coaching around your specific needs. For example, choosing online platforms, evaluating online trainings, designing hybrid programs, preparing for an upcoming online meeting, learning Zoom features, etc. Workshop graduates can request coaching, here.

Jeanne Rewa, Program Co-Coordinator

Jeanne is an experiential trainer, facilitator, and social and environmental justice organizer. She is passionate about helping people to actualize their goals and values in an online space. Jeanne has years of experience building, delivering, and evaluating various types of online training programs for social change, and in training and supporting others to do the same.

Andrea Parra, Program Co-Coordinator

Andrea Parra is a Colombian feminist legal activist and experiential trainer. She’s trained hundreds of people across Latin America and other regions of the world, virtually and in person, including human rights defenders, disability justice activists, indigenous and black groups, queer and trans activists, and reproductive rights coalitions. She has been a human rights lawyer for over 20 years, and has been a Core Trainer at Training for Change since 2014 and loves supporting grassroots groups to become more strategic and effective. She currently leads Talleristas x la Justicia.

Online Training Team

Ada Volkmer
Andrea Parra
Andrew Aguacía
Bhavana Nancherla
Cleopatra Jach
Erika Thorne
Jeanne Rewa
Jenny Muñoz
Kim Huynh
María José Montoya
Matt Guynn
Matthew Armstead
Naomi Long
Nicole Ektnitphong
Nikki Marín Baena
Shreya Shah

Online Training Team

Ada Volkmer
Andrea Parra
Andrew Aguacía
Bhavana Nancherla
Cleopatra Jach

Erika Thorne
Jeanne Rewa
Jenny Muñoz
Kim Huynh
María José Montoya

Matt Guynn
Matthew Armstead
Naomi Long
Nicole Ektnitphong
Nikki Marín Baena
Shreya Shah

Any questions? Contact us.